Building a Base on the Moon, Scientists Will Use Astronaut Urine
The ambition of humanity to live on the Moon is getting stronger. Various attempts were made by astronauts to be able to make humans able to live outside the Earth.
The Apollo mission so far has allowed astronauts to be on the Moon, but only for a short time.
For this reason, we need a place where we can stay longer, perhaps by building a permanent base.
The obstacles, it is not possible to bring building materials and logistics that are heavy and in large quantities into space.
Astronomers of the space agency are investigating material that can be found on the Moon, which may be used as material to build this base.
More specifically, they call astronaut urea which allows it to be used on concrete plasticise, which will be used as a structural framework for development on the Moon.
Makes it more flexible, so it can produce buildings that are denser and harder.
Materials there, including regolith such as material released from the surface of the Moon and water from ice in several areas.
Pamies said this research had looked at waste products, such as urine from astronauts occupying the Moon base, which could also be used.
"The two main components of body fluids are water and urea, molecules that make it possible to bind hydrogen to prevent damage and, therefore, reduce the viscosity of many aqueous mixtures," Pamies explained.
Scientists simulate building materials
Scientists on Earth have conducted experiments to determine which materials are suitable for use in building the Moon's base.
Nevertheless, there are several issues that need to be considered.
Among the various temperatures of the Moon, from 120 degrees Celsius during the day, and minus 130 degrees Celsius at night. In fact, the temperature conditions on the Moon can be colder than the polar regions.
Therefore, the building material prepared must be able to withstand heat that can change significantly.
In addition, the Moon does not have an atmospheric layer, so its surface is always exposed to a lot of radiation.
Of course, without the atmosphere, no one can burn meteors that might be able to rain at any time.
It is estimated that as many as 44,000 kilograms of meteor material hits the Earth every day, so there is a lot of potential meteor bombardment that must be restrained by the structure of the Moon.
Urea can be found anywhere. The research team decided to try to build a number of small structures by simulating the Moon regolith and urea.
They use three-dimensional technology, by making mixed siliders to determine how well urea works as a plasticizer.
In a study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, the research team also tested the strength of sample pressures after a series of freezing cycles, and found the urea mixture showed a slight increase in suppressor strength.
However, researchers have not yet investigated how urea will be extracted from urine.
"Because we are assessing whether this is really needed, because maybe other components can also be used to form geopolymer concrete," said material scientist, Anna-Lena Kjøniksen of Østfold University College in Norway.
He added that the water contained in urine can actually be used for mixture.
Along with the material that can be obtained on the Moon, or can also combine it.
Until now, research to find the right material to build a base on the Moon is still being done.
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