This Moon Sky Phenomenon: From Supermoon to Lyrids Meteor Rain
During April 2020, the National Institute of Aviation and Space (Lapan) had predicted three sky phenomena that could be seen from the skies of Indonesia
When contacted by, the Head of Dissemination of the Space Science Center (Pussainsa) Dr. Emanuel Sugging Mumpuni said, the three celestial phenomena are Supermoon, New Moon, and Lyrids Meteor Rain.
There is no specific area to see this celestial phenomenon.
But Emanuel admitted, how the three celestial phenomena that emerged later remained influenced by the weather conditions.
Maybe, when the sky is clear we can see the phenomenon nicely. But if it's raining or lots of light pollution, the three celestial phenomena can be completely invisible.
Palu, Central Sulawesi, Tuesday (02/19/2019). The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) launched the Supermoon phenomenon this time or also called the Super Snow Moon occurred when the moon was at the nearest perige point of 363,300 km from the earth so that the moon was 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than the full moon.
Supermoon is a full moon phenomenon that looks huge.
In Supermoon conditions, the moon will be located behind the Earth when viewed from the Sun. The face of the moon will be fully illuminated by sunlight.
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